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Meadow Park Academy

Where learning takes root and imagination takes flight

Proud to be part of

Year 3: Sycamore & Beech

Welcome to Sycamore and Beech classes page!

Our teachers are Miss Kelly and Miss Smith. Please feel free to speak to any of us if you have any questions.  

Our wonderful Year 3's are starting out their learning journey in Key Stage 2. This means they have to be resilient, enthusiastic and determined in their learning. They will experience new curriculum areas such as Spanish and swimming. They will also move from the Key Stage 1 playground to the Key Stage 2 playing areas.

When asked, 'What is the best thing about being in year 3?' they had a lot to say! Here are some of their thoughts below: 

'We have lovely teachers who are kind and help us in our learning' 

'We love doing art on Fridays - especially when we get to do painting.'

'We are excited as this year is the first time we will go swimming.'