Year 6: Oak & Hazel
Welcome to Oak and Hazel classes page!
Our teachers are Miss Clist and Miss Tomes. Please feel free to speak to any of us if you have any questions.
This school year our children are at the top of the school. They are established role models and ready to show everything they can do. This year they will complete their end of Key Stage 2 Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) in Reading, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, and Maths. They will also be assessed in their writing. There will be lots of exciting events towards the end of the year (such as a school Camp Out) as they finish their time with us and start to prepare for their secondary education.
When asked, 'What is the best thing about being in Year 6?' They said:
'You're at the top of the school, and you set an example to the other children.'
'It is nice because the smaller children look up to us, and we show them what to do.'
'I am already excited about the end of year Camp Out!'