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Meadow Park Academy

Where learning takes root and imagination takes flight

Proud to be part of

Year 4: Chestnut & Elm

Welcome to Chestnut and Elm classes page!

Our teachers are Mrs Swift and Miss Geary. Please feel free to speak to any of us if you have any questions.   

Our Year 4 classes have some really exciting Creative Curriculum topics this year. We get to teach the children even more about how to become Historians and geographers, caring for our past and looking to our future. 

When asked, 'What is the best thing about being in year 4?' they had a lot to say! Here are some of their thoughts below: 

'Our teachers are great, and we do lots of fun learning.'

'I really enjoy learning about Ancient things. It is really interesting learning about how different things were long, long ago.'

'Everything we learn is interesting, and my favourite so far is learning about Ancient Egypt.'